Rita Avelar
- Congratulations on receiving the AACR-Sygnature Discovery Scholar-in-Training Award to support her attendance to the 2022 AACR Annual Meeting in April 2022
Noah Puleo
- Noah received a position on Pathology's T32 Training Program in Translational Research
DiFeo Lab
- The DiFeo lab received DoD Teal Expansion Award
Treatment of HR Proficient Ovarian Cancer and PARP Inhibitor-Resistant Tumors Using PP2A Re-Activation
Rita Avelar
- Congratulations on winning “Best Poster” award at the 20th Annual Pathology Research Symposium
Jose Colina
- Jose received received a training grant from Cancer Biology program
DiFeo Lab
- The DiFeo lab received an innovative research grant from Michigan Drug Discovery (MDD) Screening Grant
Identification of Chemical Entities that Regulate OncomiR-181a
Jessica McAnulty
- Jessica was awarded the Rogel Cancer Center PIBS Scholarship 2021-2022
Jessica McAnulty
- Jessica received “Best Poster” award at the 19th Annual Pathology Research Symposium
- Jessica renewed her position on the Training Program in Translational Research T32
Matt Knarr
- Congratulations to Matt for receiving the Ann and Sol Schreiber Mentored Investigator Award from the Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance
Rita Avelar
- The UM Rackham Eleanor Lewis Scholarship was renewed for the 2019-2020 school year
- Rita received UM Rackham travel grant to present at the AACR-Ovarian Cancer Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia
Jessica McAnulty
- Jessica received a position on Pathology's T32 Training Program in Translational Research
DiFeo Lab
- The DiFeo lab received an innovative research grant for drug discovery through the Michigan Drug Discovery program.
Read more here: "Innovative Investment Strategy Aids Search for New Cancer Drugs."
Matt Knarr
- Congratulations to Matt on his PhD defense from Case Western Reserve University!!
Sandra Mantilla
- Case Comprehensive Cancer Center Annual Scientific Retreat Best Poster Award
- Cell and Molecular Biology Training Grant (T32GM008056-34) (July 2016)
Matthew Knarr
- Case Western Reserve University Annual Pharmacology Retreat Best Poster Presentation
Anil Belur Nagaraj
- AACR Scholar-in training award, Marsha Rivkin 11th Biennial Ovarian Cancer research symposium, Seattle-WA
Matt Knarr
- Case Comprehensive Cancer Center Annual Scientific Retreat Best Poster Award
Sandra Mantilla
- Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority (CSURM) Fellowship to attend the 2016 DNA Damage, Mutation & Cancer Gordon Research Conference
- AAAS/Science Program for Excellence in Science
Anil Belur Nagaraj
- AACR Scholar-in training award, AACR special conference on Advances in ovarian cancer research: Exploiting vulnerabilities, Orlando-FL